
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

The raffle requirement for the Whole Life Challenge this week is a lead into the lifestyle practice for next week! Pictures! Sometimes life IS better with when a few pics are snapped. 


Starting Saturday February 25th YOU will take between 3-5 pictures each day

That's right! pictures. Some of you might be saying, "I don't need to take pictures to remember things, I am really good at taking mental pictures." I am the same way, trust me.

However, over the recent past I have been more and more diligent about taking pictures of fun things that I see, do, or experience and have been finding myself looking back. When I have actual pictures to look at I find myself creating stories around those pictures and those stories are fun to share with friends and family. Creating stories around photos may sound silly but can be powerful down the road. If you have Facebook (I am not normally a big social media advocate) but I do like the "memories" feature that comes up on the time line, it's fun to recall events and people, and places that are brought up in those images. 

So for 7 days practice taking 3-5 photos of fun things that you do, places you go, or maybe even food you make. Anything that you think is cool, snap a photo of it. Maybe even share a photo or two on Facebook/WLC site/ or even this blog! lets see what you are doing!

This picture is from last weekend When I was out sailing with friends. We raced in Redondo Beach with some bouy racing after a really big storm on Friday with heavy winds and rain. Saturday seemed to be better and conditions seemed to hold until we finished racing and were headed back into Kings Harbor (in Redondo Beach) when the surf starting picking up and the wind picked up a bit as well. After waves crashing directly over the breakwater, and no slips being available, we decided to sail back to Marina Del Rey as the sun set. An experience I'll never forget and one of the most exhilarating feelings I've ever had. I wish I had more photos to explain the trip back the Marina but you can use your imagination. We were climbing 15' open water swells with a reefed main and #4 jib sail (smallest sails) and going 7.5 knots upwind (very fast) while the sun set and after. Soaking wet when we arrived in the marina from water washing over the boat, we were ready to head to bed as quickly as possible.