Grow Some Food

Welcome back to The Road to Better Health where we talk about topics that keep you on track to live a healthy happy life. 

Don't forget to Subscribe to get more tips every week 

A few weeks ago I talked about 4 different documentaries pertaining to food and how you can best educate yourself and set yourself up for success. The biggest take away from the post is that when it comes to food, ignorance ISN'T bliss. . . Read the blog HERE if you're up for a bit of a read. 

Anyways, one of the big suggestions in this post is to start a home garden and GROW some of your own food. Liz and I have taken the challenge and look forward to sharing with you. We just completed our very first garden box and are excited to fill it with soil and start growing some food we can eat! Not only is this a great way to know exactly where your food is coming from, I have actually found that this process has been a lot of fun and an awesome way to keep myself outside and learning new things. Who knew being healthy could be so fun!? If you are up for the challenge I am putting some links below to a few different DIY garden boxes to get you started. If you have any questions I'd love to hear from you in the comments or an email and I'll do my best to give you some valuable insight! Also, if you have any advice for us, I'm all ears! 

One of my friends The Urban Garden Girl wrote an awesome article on how to start growing all your own herbs, and trust me when I tell you, she knows what she's doing. READ MORE

Now we need some soil and seeds! What should we grow?

Now we need some soil and seeds! What should we grow?

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What do you do with your boredom?

Boredom is something that some people find themselves in A LOT and others have so much on their plate that all of their free time is taken up by something on their schedule. But it's something that we all deal with, if you've never been bored, you're not human ;).

Are you aware of your boredom is the real question. The next time you're sitting somewhere twiddling your thumbs, be very conscious of  your tendencies. Do you let your mind wander into day dreaming, do you get up and do some air squats, do you reach for your phone to check Facebook or Instagram? We all do SOMETHING in our boredom and I want you to be aware of what it is for you. 

It's next to impossible to change something until you're aware you are doing it. Here's an example. Recently I started filming myself more and more and became aware of my tendency of saying UM alllllllllll the time! It was something that I didn't even realize I was doing, not to mention 2 or 3 times in a sentence. Now that I was aware of my actions (even if it was at a subconscious level) I can hear myself saying it and start to make changes away from what I was doing. 

This challenge goes out to everyone who realizes that they turn to their electronic devices to cure themselves of boredom (myself included). What if every time you found yourself bored and wanting to check the internet, make the realization and choose to do something else! That could be holding your breath as long as you can, it could be trying a handstand, it could be learning a new skill that you've always wanted to learn, it could be sitting and being mindful for a few minutes, it could be any number of things.



Last weekend Liz and myself and a few of our friends went on an adventure to Catalina Island and did a little exploring and I want to share our adventure with you! Check out our video on YouTube and while you're at it be sure to subscribe to get our latest videos and content. Just our way to stay outside playing! 

Reading Makes You a Better Leader

This summer was filled with more reading than usual for me and I have come to realize that reading can be used as a great tool for personal development (along with several other things) but it is definitely something that you should be doing. It's inspiring to find all the insight others have to offer. I read these two books this summer and would definitely recommend them if you consider yourself a leader or would like to develop your leadership skills. 

If you don't consider yourself a leader or have no desire to be one. . . You can still find value in the books by better understanding the type of leader that YOU want to follow. There are so many bad leaders, you can empower yourself by knowing how to spot a good leader and don't settle for less!

Both phenomenal business men and excellent leaders Yvon Chouinard and Dave Ramsey, however I would say that live on opposite edges of the spectrum as far as lifestyle and business ventures. Two things that both of these great leaders do and big reasons that they have created such successful businesses are

1. Create a culture of trust and safety 

They care about their people (employees) more than they care about the numbers. They don't ask anyone within their business to do anything they themselves haven't already done, or wouldn't be willing to do. 

2. They know their "WHY"

Both of these leaders know WHY they are in business and believe in it with all of their heart. They have people with similar values and mindsets knocking down their doors to work for them. When you strive for excellence in your WHY, selling becomes a byproduct of who you are and a tribe starts to form. 

Put them on your list for this fall and get yourself on The Road to Better Health. 10 minutes a day is all you need. 

Beautiful view of The Malibu Pier from a hike up in the hills 

Beautiful view of The Malibu Pier from a hike up in the hills 

Remember to subscribe and share if you like this, I'm still new at this and need help from all you awesome people!

5 Rules to Live By

While I was lifeguarding the other day I told a couple young girls who were learning to surf that they were doing a great job and to keep up the practice and they would get the hang of it in no time. I didn't think of it at the time but about an hour later the parents of the little girls came by our tower when they were leaving and told the other lifeguard and myself how much it meant to them to hear something like that from a lifeguard. We encouraged them again as they left then went back in the tower. 

My friend, Ben Gottleib, the other lifeguard turns to me and says, "Rule number 2, nice job man" to which I kind of gave him a strange glance and asked what he meant. "Wait, you don't know the 5 rules to live by!?" I told him I had no idea what he was talking about but I do now and am passing them on to you because they truly are 5 rules to live by.

1. Keep your head up & always have fun

The thumbs up represents keeping your head up and a reminder to always have fun, life is too short to not be joyful!



2. Point out the cool things your friends do

Recognize the cool things that your friends do, they deserve the recognition and it goes a long way in producing stronger more fulfilling friendships. Not to mention, it may make their day, week, or even month to hear some words of affirmation



3. Don't listen to the haters

This one is pretty straight forward. There will be a lot of people in your life who doubt you or who don't think you are worth anything. DON'T listen to them! You are awesome and are so much better than letting the nay sayers bring you down with their words.



4. Commitment

Just like marriage is a commitment, commit 100% to the task at hand. Put all your focus and energy on one big thing at a time. If you are 60% committed to 4 different goals those goals are much more difficult to achieve and it is easier to lose sight of where you are headed.



5. Don't sweat the small stuff

Stuff happens, you're human too. You aren't going to be perfect and that's ok. Don't let the little things in life cause you to get your panties in a bunch, take a big breath, it'll be ok.



6. Bonus: Always live the aloha lifestyle

Here is a bonus one: living with a smile on your face and a general awareness of other people is a sure way to keep others saying, "something's different about that person, I like it!"



Thanks Ben for sharing these with me, it is always fun to learn new things and bring them into who we are! If you like these rules share them with a friend!


Like and Subscribe! I really appreciate the support

Food Will Change Your Life Forever

I want to start this with stating that I am not getting paid by anyone to express what I have learned. The initial interest came from two different places. First, the Whole Life Challenge, in which I have participated in several times. Second, from CrossFit's founder, Greg Glassman, who speaks very strongly against the consumption of soda and sugar. I know this sounds strange but after reading this hopefully you will understand that so much information we are given is paid for by people/organizations with unique interests. I have been researching into the food industry and how to be healthier with our current culture and food system. After ALOT of watching, listening, and researching I have put together the following to inform you of some of my findings. By no means is this information absolute fact and I do not accept any one of these documentaries as FULL truth. I use them as pieces to the whole picture and make conclusions based off multiple vantage points. 

I am going to highlight four documentaries that are all available on Netflix (What's with Wheat, Fed Up, What the Health, and In Defense of Food) as briefly as possible to give you important information about each of them, information that I have either been misguided or misled with at some point in my life. After I talk about each of these films I will conclude with how I have taken action to claim personal responsibility for my health and how each of you can do the same.

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in defense of food.jpg


First up, the documentary called "What's with Wheat" (and maybe you guessed it) is primarily focused on WHEAT! and everything surrounding the area of gluten in the past 100 years. The first half of this film dives into the history of bread inside human culture and explains some key differences. Originally, bread was only made from few ingredients; wheat, yeast, salt, and water. It was not until humans transitioned into agriculture that we started eating grains, before this we did not have time to cultivate plants for harvest, it was always hunting and gathering. Even when this transition happened, bread was still a small part of our diet, not a staple at every meal. Fast forward hundreds of years to the early 1900s when Dr. Kellog stepped in to call for a  mostly plant based diet that was high in fiber and integrating grains as  a food that could save the world from starvation. At the time, there was still a shortage of food for the number of people in the world. So with GREAT intentions, Dr. Kellog starting something bigger than he knew. Today wee have enough grains today to feed 11 billion people with a population of 7 billion.  In order to get this grain to everyone around the world, the way wheat was harvested and processed had to change so that it didn't rot while being stored. With the help of Norman Borlaug, grains became mechanized and mass produced by removing the bran and germ, two nutrient dense parts of the plant that help us digest it. When these two were removed, the effective shelf life of flour was essentially forever. In addition to changing the harvest, hybridization made the stalks shorter and heads get longer and now that the plants were getting closer to the ground more and more pesticides were being used to keep yield high. The sustainable farming that had been used up to this point (crop rotation, natural fertilizer, no pesticide or herbicide sprays) had been thrown out so PRODUCTION was the sole priority, not the quality or longevity of the systems put in place. 

Now that production was so high, we had to do something with all this wheat! Around the same time a scientist named Ansel Keys came out with a study that showed that a high fat diet was correlated with heart disease and a proposed solution would be the high carb diet (i.e. grains). We later came to find out, his study wasn't as accurate as we would have hoped. Boom, here comes the government proposed food pyramid with grains being a staple food for the Western diet (the other films talk about where the influence for the structure for the pyramid come from). I am not sure if they knew the impact they would have when these guidelines first came out. Not only are we eating more of this wheat, because there is SO much, we start to see parts of wheat in all sorts of things, including non food products. Think make ups and food additives.  

What I received from this, not mentioned in the film, is that these farmers need to keep selling their wheat to keep an income. In turn, ridiculous amounts of money are spent in all sorts of areas to make sure grains are continuously used and consumed. What the film finishes with is advocating for education. Each of us NEEDS to ask more questions about where our food comes from and why we live the way we do. "Wheat isn't the problem, what we've done to it is." 



Next, the film called "Fed Up", is all about SUGAR! and reveals many truths about the substance we so blindly consume (myself included). I'm not going to try to hide it, this one got me really emotional and was the first film I originally watched that sparked my determination to watch more. The reason I got so emotional is because the primary focus is kids, and follows several kids and their stories as the rest of the film unfolds. 

Going back 50 years with the study by Dr. Jean Mayer, obesity was seemingly linked to a lack of exercise. This new information, in an attempt to be a healthier nation, launched the fitness revolution. In this revolution exercise went from something that was taboo or possibly even unhealthy for you, to a solid way to keep you alive for longer and prevent chronic illnesses. To everyone's surprise, we were all exercising more but we were also getting fatter and fatter. So this long held notion that the only thing that mattered in health is calories in, calories out isn't as straight forward as it seems. In the most basic sense this is true but is actually quite different when we start talking about foods. The simplest way to describe this is looking at how the body digests 100 calories of almonds vs. 100 calories of coke. Almonds are nutrient dense and carry a lot of fiber so the body can only absorb so much before it is passed. Coke on the other hand has no fiber and is high in sugar which means it's all absorbed immediately in the gut and the liver goes on overdrive to process this sugar so we can store it (glycogen, then fat). Where did this "calories in, calories out" idea come from? Maybe you guessed it, big food companies are responsible for this jargon. They are everywhere and their top priority is to SELL food, not look out for our health and that is abundantly clear in several different areas. They lobbied against the World Health Organization (WHO) when they said sugar was a major cause of obesity and chronic metabolic disease. They are seen in the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) as those who are tasked with promoting American agriculture and also responsible for giving Americans dietary guidelines (conflict of interest? See McGovern report in 1977) We even see them in our highest form of public appearance and maybe even public policy, the presidency or more accurately the First Lady (previous) Michelle Obama. She took an incredibly bold stand against big food and wanted to make change in the realm of childhood obesity. She spoke very passionately and strongly against big food companies, calling them to change their tactics and offer better foods. Big food companies couldn't have one of the most relevant faces of public interest saying their products were bad so they volunteered to "help" in this call to action. Eventually the topic changed from better food to more exercise as what we should all be aiming for; a huge evasion of bad PR. In the end, big food companies outdo even Michelle Obama and she almost apologizes for "demonizing" them. 

The gut wrenching part of this film is the effect these big food companies are having on kids, through schools and marketing. Many big food and fast food companies have exclusive contracts with public schools to sell their food. When called to bring healthier foods into schools they find ways to change policy so they can consider PIZZA a vegetable. (I forget the particulars, but it was during the implementation of a health food in schools program under the Obama administration). Kids at a young age are put to the test with their own personal responsibility, with no intervention. They can choose sugary, junk food that "tastes good" or at the end of the lunch lines, are offered more wholesome options like vegetables and fruits. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has LESS authority to regulate advertisements for kids than they do with adults.  Our kids everywhere are told to eat these foods, but also, that it is their fault that they are overweight and have chronic illnesses. On an extreme, yet relevant level, think if a tobacco company advertised the substance as good and good for you, and at the same time they say it's your personal responsibility to deal with the addiction and health issues that follow.

In conclusion, this film had several what if statements that can and will help each of us be more empowered to make healthier choices. The final one? Start locally, start doing some shopping in the farmers market and bringing awareness to your community (friends, family, co-workers). Just think of how many lives you could save. 



Another powerful film, "What the Health", primarily focuses on how meat affects our health today. I found some things that were extremely revealing and others that were a little bit disappointing in a documentary type film. One of the first things that they propose is that meat of any kind of just as cancer causing as smoking cigarettes. WOW! At first I was a little skeptical but, as the movie dives deeper they talk about meat today and how it is raised, slaughtered, and processed. In short, the way meat today is grown/farmed (if you can call it that), slaughtered, stored, and served has caused alarming amounts of chemicals and biotoxins to be introduced to our commercial meats. Big meat and dairy companies know this and know the devastating effects if has on our health BUT continue to practice their businesses the same way they have been and even collectively spent BILLIONS of dollars making sure health organizations (AHA, ADA, Susan G Breast Cancer, American College of Cardiology) support them with their studies and recommendations. They also influence governmental dietary recommendations so that they are confusing at best. Clearly there is a huge conflict of interest here. I feel comfortable saying that most meat and the way it is processed today can be detrimental to my health. 

On top of talking about plant based diets, there is lots of talk about big pharmacy companies also intervening in diet, health, and food recommendations and to no surprise at all to support the sale of their chemical products. I would love to see some more info on this subject, let me know if you have any interesting information on big pharma. 

The film confuses me a little while talking about sugar. They have a couple health professionals that have NO issue with sugar in our diets. A few even go as far to say that our body is way better at digesting sugar and carbs than fatty foods. As we saw in fed up, they way our bodies metabolize sugar, is clearly MORE detrimental than they way we metabolize fats. One specific statement that confused me was that meat causes inflammation but sugar does not. I would like to see some studies that support this. 



The final film that I want to discuss is "In Defense of Food".  In my opinion, Michael Pollen does a fantastic job of doing an overview of the food industry as a whole (wheat, sugar, and meats).  He takes time to talk about the history and culture of the USA and other parts of the world and the recent prevalence of what he calls "editable food like substances" (EFLS),  then he presents a likely solution. 

In the early 1900's a gradual, but critical transition took place from nutrients to "nutritionism", which is defined as a transition from foods to creating EFLS that contained all the nutrients that we need. It was lead by noble-hearted people who didn't know the impacts their ideas and science would make when the food industry got a hold of their information. Michael Pollan does a great job making relevant connections to the other films that I am talking about. First, bringing up Dr Kellog (from What's with Wheat) and his proposed plant based diet. After the food industry got a hold of this, they used this influential figure to sell their products! (grains, and lots of them). But if you look at the religious group that he was a part of today, the 7th day Adventists, you'll see that his advice sticks mostly true. They live significantly longer than the rest of us on a mostly plant based diet and abstaining from alcohol and cigarettes. Another key figure Ansel Keys (talked about in What the Health) came up with the lipid hypothesis, showed that red meat was correlated with higher risk for coronary heart disease. When the McGovern Report (talked about in all three previous films) originally came out there was an incredible statement, "decrease your consumption of meat..." along with other things about dairy and cheese. Big food spent millions in lobbyists saying that this was too harsh on their products and was demonizing their products. What did the report end up saying? "Choose meats, poultry, and fish that will reduce your saturated fat intake." They had successfully evaded a radical call to change and actually created a way to introduce new "low-fat" products into the market place IN ADDITION to their current ones. Food companies used the idea of personal responsibility (the idea that people ultimately have the choice) as a major tactic in marketing and advertising, eerily similar to the tobacco industry. . . Foods are now being artificially created to fit our nutritional needs as if any one nutrient is the cause or problem instead of the possibility that it could be the lack of several others. The eventual impact of the McGovern report was that Americans did NOT actually eat less fat, rather we ate MORE carbohydrates (think sugars) and in turn more food all together. 

 Pollan also looks at several different diets of populations around the world and all seem to correlate with lower heart disease and diabetes. He makes a pretty bold claim (that I love) that we can either keep doing what we're doing and wait for evolution to catch up to us OR we need to move away from our now Westernized diet.  He gives a very practical approach that I believe has wholeness and wellness as its primary motivators. He sums it up in 7 powerful words 

Eat Food:

- Don't eat anything your great grandmother wouldn't recognize 

- Don't eat foods that won't rot

- Eat food cooked by humans 

- Avoid foods advertised on TV

- Do most of your shopping at a farmers market


Mostly Plants:

- We don't NEED meat to survive

- Rather replace meat with more servings of fruits and vegetables

- Eat your colors 

- You are what you eat eats too (what your meat eats matters)

- Eat foods that come from healthy soil (certified organic is a loose rule) 

- Plant a garden if you can


Not too much:

- Pay more, eat less

- Avoid any food at a register

- Eat meals, not snacks

- Eat at a table, with people if possible

- Cook if you can, and again, plant a garden if possible


After further discussion of these films I want to make a few pretty bold claims myself. First, most if not ALL big food companies spend millions of dollars making sure their products get sold, even if that means that the truth is withheld or skewed with the intent to confuse of deceive. Whether it be through lobbying for policies, deceptive marketing, or corruption of the health sciences by sponsoring studies, these companies don't want to "lose".  Most big food companies are not willing to take massive cuts to their revenue for the betterment of people or the world. There are exceptions to that (CVS, Patagonia, and CrossFit) but that is a story for another time. So if we can not trust food companies (or even the government) to look our for our best interest, then who do we turn to? I believe that is our own PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to look out for our own best interest. This has been a hard reality to become aware of, mostly because I want to default to trust, trust that those around me and my government wants what is best for me, not what makes them the most money. In my eyes, the first and possibly most crucial component of personal responsibility is seeking out truth. Taking the time and effort to make sure who you want to be and who you are, are actually in line. Seeking truth does not take everything at face value or what other people tell them. Step in that direction, and see how personal responsibility carves a better version of you, a better version of us, and better version of our world. I want you to consider Michael Pollens 7 words the next time you sit down for a meal. 


If you thought you were going to read this instead of watching those documentaries, I'll let you reconsider that. It is now your PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to educate yourself. If you are doing the Whole Life Challenge with me this fall (Sign up here) every two weeks we will have a showing of one of these documentaries followed by an open discussion to help you learn more about what you're eating.


On a side note, one thing that I have been very curious about is going "off the grid" meaning growing my own foods and hunting my own meats as a way to get the most out of my foods. What are your thoughts?


If you enjoyed this, please like and subscribe for more awesome content as well as comment/email with questions or thoughts of your own, I am ALWAYS open to listen to others. 


As always with anything I stand behind, don't forget to get outside and play. 


Working out? Sometimes You Gotta Measure

I am a huge advocate of PLAY in our everyday lives but I am also a big advocate for good planning, and excellent execution when it comes to goals that we have. Dave Ramsey says something like an hour of planning saves several hours of wasted time and energy. 

At the beginning and end of the whole life challenge we will measure our fitness (with a workout) and weigh ourselves. The goal isn't necessarily to loose weight but it is helpful data to have. (Remember we are talking about our goals!) In the video below, follow Liz and I as we explain the workout we will do as a team (or on your own) at the start and finish of the challenge. If you haven't signed up yet, click here to sign up and join the movement to The Road to Better Health. 

10 Minute AMRAP

20 Reverse Step Lunges 

2x10 Meter Run

10 Push Ups

2x10 Meter Run

10 Air Squats

2x10 Meter Run

Remember to write down EXACTLY how you did this work out, including what height your step ups were if you modified the lunges, how exactly you did your push ups, were they on the ground, your knees, a table, against a wall, and how you did your squats, did you use full depth, did you use your favorite chair, did you sit on a box, or did bend the knees a tiny bit? All of these things are important to write down for the end. Even write how how you felt during the workout to compare to the end and remember, its all over after 10 minutes!

The Road to Better Health

It's a journey...

Lets go together...

Hey Team! 

Just about a year ago, I wrote my first blog titled "The Road to Better Health" This website was an effort on my part to be more connected to friends and family and have a way to share my thoughts on health and wellness to whoever wanted to listen.

Most of you joined me back in January for The Whole Life Challenge, a game aimed at trying to get all of us to living healthier more balanced lives. Although my life has been pretty fun and exciting this summer with life guarding at Malibu First Point, sailing on a regular basis, and coaching at CrossFit Malibu, I have been doing a lot of growing as well. In particular I have been reading books and watching documentaries to better understand what it means to be healthy and how to live that out in our culture today. (I'll share more of these soon) I suppose ignorance is bliss when it comes to this sort of thing. At least that's what big food companies want us to think. I have now come to feel more empowered and confident in my RESPONSIBILITY to live a healthy life. I know some of you are thinking, Kolby, your a CrossFit coach, of course it's easy for you to be healthy. I, just like you, struggle with finding balance in life. Where should I make compromises and where should I not? When am I getting too consumed by my work life? What should I do with my free time? How do I eat healthy when it is neither fast or cheap?

I want to be on YOUR team, click here to sign up.

I want to be on YOUR team, click here to sign up.


This challenge allows us to take a deep and real look at how we treat our bodies but allows us to do it together, and after playing team sports all my life, I know how powerful a team can be. I want to be on YOUR team for this whole life challenge so that we can challenge and inspire one another to healthier happier versions of ourselves. 





If you have questions about how the game works here is a helpful link Quick Guide, but remember, the hardest part is signing up.

Never hesitate to reach out to me to ask questions and feel free to grab a friend and join the challenge with you. On top of all the incredible information that The Whole Life Challenge puts out I personally want to challenge the way that you think is healthy living by giving you relevant information about food choices, giving you as many ideas for play as possible, and encouraging you to believe in yourself. 

Every Activity Deserves a Warm up

Getting outside to play should be a normal part of your life but so should warming up! As we get older, warm up become a more and more essential part of activity especially when trying to avoid injuries and staying healthy for long duration activities. 

Check out this video where I lay out a quick five minute general warm up for almost anything

If you have ideas for more things I can make videos about, leave a comment and let me know your ideas! I want to serve you and be as helpful as I can. 

Some ideas I have include:

Ocean safety, five ways to keep yourself safe at the beach

Hikes, five go to hikes in Malibu 

Workout, hard but fun workout to do outside with no equipment

Health, five ways that I find are most effective at helping me balance life with being healthy.

Malibu Half Marathon

As some of you already know, I was selected to be an ambassador for the Malibu Half Marathon here in Malibu in November and I'm excited to announce that I'm teaming up with Malibu's 5 Point Yoga owner, Ted McDonald to share our training with those of you in the area!

On a weekly basis we will post different spots we plan to be to get a workout in and would love for you guys to come get a workout with us. The majority of our workouts will be trail running, mountain biking, and ocean swimming, but there will be other stuff mixed in there every once in a while (think yoga or CrossFit) 

We want to share with you how we get outside to train and play in our home environment, so be on the lookout (Facebook, Instagram, Nextdoor) for early morning workouts or mid day get togethers and put yourself on the road to better health! 

Malibu local or not, don't forget to sign up for the Malibu Half using my discount code: MALIBUKOLBY17 for $15 off and experience one of the prettiest runs you'll ever do.

If you enjoy any of my content, subscribe below to stay up to date with health tips and life in Malibu! I'd love to have you along for the ride. COMING SOON: reviewing a book that I read recently that has changed my take on how I want to live my life.


Exploring Sonora Mexico, Crazy Fire on The Way!

Driving 10 hours through Mexicali- Frantically getting Mexico insurance before all the shops close- Night driving through Sonora where there are no street lights, or lights of any kind in fact- Riding jet skis and swimming in the Sea of Cortez- Exploring the city on 4x4s and spending time with my family. What a blast we had exploring this little bit of Mexico! Enjoy (be sure to watch in HD, click the gear wheel and change video quality to HD!)

This link below links to this product on but remembers that we sent you to the site. A really easy way for you to support this effort is to follow this link and do any normal shopping that you would do on Amazon. I will receive a small cut of your shopping as a thank you for sending you to their website. (At no cost to you) Click the link below! \/


This video was made with the GoPro Hero Session, check out the link above if you would like to get your hands on one. 

Malibu Play Time

Ever wonder what a day looks like in Malibu? Check out this fun video of my fiancé Liz and I on a Wednesday a few weeks ago. 

If you enjoyed it, like the video and subscribe to the blog and youtube for more to come!

Next, Mexico '17 trip!

Rest, The Secret To Doing More

The human bodies are designed to sleep, that is abundantly clear when looking at the effects sleep deprivation has on the body. Hallucinations, hearing things, impulsive actions, and even mania and or severe depression.   

There are studies that show that we as humans need at least a certain amount of sleep to be the most productive during the day but one thing that I have learned is that all of us are DIFFERENT. Some that I have talked with find themselves most productive with 5-6 hours of sleep each night and groggy if they get much more than that, others say they can't focus or sometimes even function with less than 10 hours of sleep.

You know your body best and you should take some time experimenting on how much sleep makes you feel rested and ready to take on the day.

Other than doing some self experimenting, I have some other tips that I have found helpful to keep me rested so I can PLAY more often. 

1. Go to sleep early and wake up early.

I find that when I get to sleep earlier, I wake up more refreshed. Not only that, but being someone who loves being outside, as soon as that sun goes down I'm ready for bed and as soon as it's risen I want to be outside enjoying the daylight. Going to be early allows me to maximize my time in the daylight. 

2. Take naps.

Napping as adults seems like a juvenile convenience, but a couple of 20 minute naps during your week can really leave you feeling motivated to hit that workout, or ride your bike, or practice a new skill. Just because you are an adult doesn't mean you need to deprive yourself of your needs!

3. Take a rest day

Not everyday has to include a yoga session, CrossFit workout, ocean swim, or some other form of activity. Some days you do your body more good by doing nothing than trying to do more. I got this piece of advice from my mentor and good friend Mike, " Do less, better." The idea that when you ARE rested for your workouts, activities, adventures, or whatever it is you do you actually get MORE out of those. The body is more responsive, you can go harder, it is easier to stay mentally and physically focused through a session.  

Last Saturday I participated in the Malibu Trail2Table that included a 6 mile paddle, a 9 mile trail run, and a 20 mile mountain bike ride. You can best I needed some rest after that! Here is a short little video of some of our experience. Enjoy! 

If you enjoy please subscribe to the blog/Insta and get updated weekly (almost every week)

English Play Time

Enjoy a couple photos from my time in England and see you next week! 

Nutrition 101

Nutrition is something that is hard to recommend a one stop fix for all people, as everybody's bodies are different and we all react to food in different ways. I will say, however, that I do like to use a general approach for almost to all people that is fairly simple to follow and makes for some incredible ways for you to provide your body with fuel. I use a methodology that is from the CrossFit world and no it is not "Paleo". Several CrossFit athletes have used this method to choose their fuel for their body but I want to be even more broad and inclusive and use the words that Founder Greg Glassman himself used, " Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar. Keep intake levels that support exercise but not body fat."

This idea will most closely relate to the idea of the "Zone Diet" where you try to get about equal parts fat, protein, and carbohydrates at each of your meals. 

For Most People

cutting added sugar out of your diet will produce the most profound changes in your energy levels and body composition. In other words, you get the most bang for your buck when you cut sugar out of the food you are eating. 

If you are looking for a great way to make some changes with a little accountability, The Whole Life Challenge is starting May 20th and I HIGHLY recommend signing up and joining a team in your area to participate on. It will change they way you look at health and wellness. 

I am not running a team during this next 8 week challenge (I will be lifeguarding for LA County) but please, please contact me if you would like some more information or recommendations on teams to join in your area. I would love to help you.

(480) 636-0355


Fitness and Travel

In the past couple months I have been traveling more than normal for me. I get asked question that quite frankly is a very real problem that has some simple solutions that I want to help you with. 

How do I stay fit and active while I am traveling?   

I know that traveling feels like it can suck the life out of you, but I've found a couple different things that keep me fit and active while I'm traveling or on the road. 

1. Stay Hydrated

I find that my body wants to go into what I would describe like a stasis mode where all of my bodily functions are put on pause (I get really sleepy, I usually don't get hungry or thirsty and generally don't feel like moving. I have also found that a really good way for me to counter act that feeling is to stay hydrated with lots of water. I seem to find that the water keeps my system moving (not to mention that it keeps me going to the bathroom and moving to get back and forth often enough)

2. Do Mini WOD's or workouts 

Traveling makes it difficult to find a gym to workout in, or changes up your routine or maybe it makes you realize that creating a workout outside of the gym is a little bit more difficult than it sounds. But fear not! I want to share with you 4 different mini workouts that hopefully sparks your imagination for creating your own Mini WOD's to do while traveling. 

Workout #1

Every Minute on Minute

6 minutes

1 burpee

2 mountain climbers 

3 jumping jacks

4 air squats

plank until top of the minute



Workout #2

Flower Challenge

(put on the song called "Flower" by the Artist "Moby") squat down every time he says down, stand up when he says up. don't go down until they say down and don't come up until they say up and don't put your hands/arm on your legs in any way. 

Workout #3

Grab a buddy

Every twenty seconds switch off until all this work is completed:

80 long legged sit ups

80 air squats

80 mountain climbers 

80 step lunges


Workout #4

Solo Death by burpees

Minute 0-1: 2 burpee

Minute 1-2: 4 burpees

Minute 2-3: 6 burpees

Minute 3-4: 8 burpees

Minute 4-5: 10 burpees

Minute 5-6: 12 burpees

Continue until you can't finish the number of burpees in the allowed minute.

I hope these two quick tips and workouts help keep you fit and active while you travel, now get out there and explore this world!


Don't Forget to Forgive

I'm back! It has been about 3 weeks since I've done my last blog and I am finally ready to get back on the road to better health and keep giving you all tips for living a healthier and happier life. 

Since the last time I posted a lot of things have happened: 

1. I went to Hawaii 

2. I went to a friends wedding in Hawaii

3. I had lots of epic surf and island adventures in Hawaii 

4. I got engaged in Hawaii

YES! I got engaged to the love of my life while adventuring and exploring the island of Oahu in Hawaii

We are very excited to get married but just a tad bit overwhelmed with figuring out all the little details right now but we have a ton of amazing support from friends and family who will help lead us to the beginning of OUR life. (our wedding day) 

Today I want to write a little bit about a few things that I have learned about having a joyful and fulfilling relationship. I don't believe that you need to be in a relationship to be happy, but I do believe there are some things that help you be happy IN a relationship. By no means did I learn my relationship skills from myself, actually before I sought mentorship for relationships, I was quite terrible at trying to make one work. I have had several amazing people in my life that pour into me and help me become a better man. Today, one of those things sticks out to me: 


I believe that forgiveness is one of the most important aspects of a relationship (If you want an awesome one that is) and it seems to run consistent in a lot of the great relationships that I see today. I have to come to understand that I am human and as a human, sometimes I think dumb things, say dumb things and do dumb things, but that doesn't make me dumb, I think it just reiterates my humanness. I have come to understand that in order to be happy with myself, I have to learn to forgive myself for the "below the line" part of my life. I have also come to understand that if I want to be in a relationship with someone else (especially for the rest of my life) that they might be human too. So they might/will think, say, or do things that they don't really mean. So if I claim to love this person as myself ( marriage says two have joined as one flesh) then I better be prepared to forgive them for those things in their life too. I know that I can be in a happier, stronger, more life-giving relationship if I understand this and can live it out.

Now I am not saying that my fiance Liz and I have gone through some BIG life changing event where forgiveness has saved our relationship but there are even small things like me being annoyed and frustrated when  she is being selfish about where she wants to surf or her getting frustrated and upset when we are late to something because I was goofing around instead of getting ready. Even in these small things, choosing forgiveness over stubbornness and eventually anger and resentment, we both choose to forgive (usually quick too! ) No we aren't perfect at it and still have a lot room to continue to grow in our relationship but I do see forgiveness as an area that will lead us to happiness for decades to come!

Shout out to all of our amazing friends and family for scoring us solid advice and being incredible examples for us to follow!

If you liked this page I would love it if you shared it with a friend or subscribed below! 

Engagement Morning Hike 

Photos from Cecily Breeding

Organize Your Life

Sometimes when it comes to our own space, clutter brings anxiety or maybe even some feelings of distress. This week I want you to block ten minutes out of each of your days and take that part of your life back. 



Something seemingly irrelevant to health is something that bring a lot more peace in your life. Getting and staying organized can keep your several steps ahead of yourself in several aspects of your life and is a common practice of productive people. Not all productive people are healthy but more often than not, healthy people are productive and staying organized is a quick path to the right road. 

A week in the life of Kolby Krystofik: snapshot

Live Intentionally

The Whole Life Challenge is officially over, but life rolls on and we continue on the road to better health. One step at a time.


This week we are going back to something that I talked about several weeks back. Treating people well. We are continuing lifestyle habits/challenges that you can pursue and change your health little by little. 

Every day complete a random act of kindness for someone you don't know

Kindness and generosity can change your life. For a lot of us this is not something that part of our human nature. I can remember growing up and hearing a lot about being nice to others and not being mean but I also heard A LOT of selfish statements from adults, things like you need to look out for your own best interest, you need to protect your self, if someone hurts you you need to get them out of your life. 

I want to change that perspective and make moves towards treating others with kindness, even and especially when it doesn't benefit you in any way. This week buy someones coffee behind you. Smile or give a high five to a stranger. Tell someone that you like an article of clothing. Hold a door for someone, anything that seems out of the ordinary and can impact someones day in a positive manner. You might feel a little weird at first but I promise you it become addicting. This lifestyle practice is one that I have grown to be very fond of over the past few years and has impacted me for the better. 

Ever want a surf lesson? We got you covered. check out these pics from a surf lesson last week!

Don't forget to subscribe to stay up to date with new ways to keep yourself healthy

Stay With Me

The end of The Whole Life Challenge is here, but this isn't where the road ends.

I want to take a moment and thank all of you who decided to take this step in the right direction, and your dedication to these past 8 weeks. However, the journey continues on. I want to invite you to stay with me and continue to learn how to continue taking steps towards the best version of yourself. I want you to continue to reach out to me for advice for workouts, advice in nutrition, advice on how to make small changes now that have large effects later. I want you to ask questions that you don't have answers to. I want you to BE BETTER. 

Check out this page to see if I can help you with REMOTE PROGRAMMING

With the end of the challenge, we are going to do the WLC Post Test described in the video below. You did it 56 days ago and you will do it again some time in the next week to test your fitness. REMEMBER, I want you to do this workout EXACTLY how you did it last time so we can MEASURE the changes. Post your scores to the comments section below and on the WLC dashboard.

The past few weeks I have been coordinating and competing in something called The CrossFit Games Open, a 5 week competition that CrossFit Headquarters puts on as the first phase of finding the fittest man and woman on earth. Last weekend a good friend of mine Cecily Breeding took some fun shots of the Saturday morning competition. Check them out below and then Check out the CrossFit Games website to see some videos of some very talented athletes doing the same workouts the rest of us do!


The Choice is Yours

Welcome to the last week of The Whole Life Challenge! Our final lifestyle challenge is a little bit different this week. Over the past 7 weeks we have been experimenting with a new lifestyle challenge each week in order to find healthier habits that we can incorporate into our life after the "challenge" is over. 

This week YOU are going to choose one of the previous seven lifestyle challenges and finish off week 8 by completing it each day 

Here is the list of the seven previous weeks that you can choose from:

Create Your Future - Identify 3 short, medium or long-term goals at the beginning of the week. Re-write them each day by hand...simple daily reminder of what you’re shooting for in your life.

Support Your Teammates - Commenting daily on 3 of your team members' reflections

Meditation - Spend 10 minutes every day sitting silently watching your breath, observing your thoughts, repeating a mantra, or following a guided meditation

No Media Meals - Turn off all media during meals - whether you're alone or with someone. This includes computers, mobile devices, TV, and radio

Bedtime Ritual - Spend 5-10 minutes before bed taking actions to wind or quiet down before bed

See the Beauty - Take 3-5 photos during your day of things you think look beautiful, cool, or inspiring

Journaling - Spend 10 minutes daily writing in a journal

Post what you have chosen in a comment below to share with others

As we approach the end of this challenge I want you to reflect back on how these past 8 weeks went for you. You made specific goals at the beginning of this road. Check back in- where did you land amidst these goals? We all had different reasons for signing up for the challenge, but we all share the common goal of leading a healthier life. For some of you it was losing a few pounds, for others it was getting out and sweating more often, and yet for others it was to become more disciplined in the fuel you supply your body with. There was no right or wrong answer to why you signed up, only that you did. 

I feel very strongly that I have been called to create opportunities for others to meet and excel goals of their own in the realm of health and fitness. With that being said, I am here for YOU. Please send me a text, email or heck even give me a call so I can answer any questions you might have pertaining to The Road to Better Health.

I want to create value in your life and I do this in a couple different ways;

Personal Training 1 on 1 instruction where we tackle constantly varied functional movement performed at high intensity, taking on complex motor patterns to make you a better prepared human in your every day life.

Remote programming for 1 month at a time where we work together to create a fitness prescription to best fit your goals with weekly progress check-ins.

Or a free health and fitness consultation where we talk about your goals and some ways to get you cruising on the road to better health. 


In the last week of the challenge, I want to offer something very special in place of a raffle. I am going to give away a month worth of Remote Programming ($65 value) to every participant who can post perfect scores from this Saturday, March 11th to next Saturday, March 18th. I want to see YOU finish this challenge strong and learn as much as you possibly can! 

The road to better health isn't always paved, sometimes it can be quite adventurous

The road to better health isn't always paved, sometimes it can be quite adventurous